Taking SQL Server to the Cloud
As a good number of you are aware I am a SQL Server consultant, but I also work for the Motley Fool in helping with their SQL Servers.
Now before I go much further realize that that very last person you should talk to about investing would be me. I don’t. I have too many NDA with other companies that any trade I would do would be considered insider trading (for a while anyhow). This basically is a way of saying everything I write in here are my opinions and thoughts and not those of the Fool or anyone else.
Am I biased?
Will I get things wrong and make poor choices?
Well, duh!
This is the reality of learning newer tech somewhat in depth and working with it.
What this series of posts will be are notes, code snippets and processes I am using and coming up with to figure out how to move the entire SQL Server infrastructure from on-prem to an AWS cloud based environment. The main tasks are to make sure that everything will continue to work, and also not blow the budget completely up.
That’s going to make things interesting.
Why AWS and not Azure?
That’s simple.
I was told AWS is the choice.
End of story.
I think I’d prefer Azure myself as I have worked in it some, but that isn’t a readily available option for this path.
That doesn’t mean I can’t mess with it though.
Via the Microsoft MVP program I have some credit on Azure I have not been using much and I may play with similar concepts for moving to the cloud in my own labs from home.
Anything Else Exciting?
Heck yeah!
Did you hear about that European directive regarding personal data that is becoming a regulation this year (2017).
Yeah, I have to plan for that too.
That means a whole evaluation of the data stored in SQL Server, identifying any PII, and taking appropriate steps to secure it.
I’ll be adding that in over the next few months as it is determined what needs to be done and how will be accomplishehd.
Hopefully my going through all this will help others out there coming up against these tasks sooner than later.
Hopefully others out there will see these coming posts and offer guidance to make things easier too.