Founder / CEO
I am not like a lot of DBA’s who came into their position by ‘accident’ after taking over the responsibilities due to no DBA being around …Chris Bell
Chris Bell founded WaterOx Consulting and the Concierge DBA® Concept in 2012.
Prior to establishing WaterOx, he spent over 18 years in various roles in public and private companies working with their data in various forms. Mr. Bell is a current member of PASS, DAMA International and Toastmasters International. He was a finalist for the 2012 Exceptional DBA of the year award & is co-ordinated and hosted the Washington D.C. PASS SQL Saturday event on Dec 8th, 2012. He also is an active presenter to SQLPASS user groups and is working on presenting important data concepts to more diverse industry leaders.
“I am not like a lot of DBA’s who came into their position by ‘accident’ after taking over the responsibilities due to no DBA being around. I made the conscious decision many years ago that I wanted to be a DBA. Through the work I did with various clients and employers I realized that data is what makes everything work and from that grew a passion for SQL Server and its technologies. Through this revelation I made the conscious decision to become a DBA so I could help companies in the world protect and understand this valuable asset. I started with Data entry and worked my way through the entire life-cycle of the data.
I started in data entry, moved to COTS database customization, application development, business intelligence and then into SQL development and administration. This path has granted me a unique perspective and ability to understand the needs of both end users and developers, allowing me to bridge a gap that is ever growing and helping me to save thousands of dollars and man hours for my clients.
My personal goal is to help raise the bar in any organization by meeting and exceeding expectations. I always take ownership of my tasks and systems and have never shied away from a critical situation. I have the knowledge to solve problems, prevent future ones and I will do whatever it takes to get the job done, even in stressful situations. I can always be counted on when the going gets tough. I am committed to producing truly world class results and sharing my methods and experience with my clients and the SQL community.
I thoroughly enjoy helping companies and people succeed with SQL Server and came up with the Concierge DBA as a way that I can work with multiple clients while allowing each the service they deserve.”

Why the Name “WaterOx Consulting”?
One of the questions frequently asked of me is: “Why WaterOx? That’s kind of an odd name.”
Simply put, I liked it and I find it strongly represents who I am and what I am building this company into.
Per the Chinese Zodiac I was born in the year of the Water Oxen. While working on a name for my new venture I looked at the traits of the Water Oxen of the zodiac and found it accurately reflected the methodology I have in business.
Those born under the influence of the Ox are fortunate to be stable and persevering. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective. As we used this great creature long ago to plow the soil day after day, so do Ox people labor through their daily responsibilities either at work or at home without complaint or gripe. Oxen do not doubt one bit that they will succeed through hard work and sustained effort and find no truth or benefit in concocting get-rich-quick schemes.
Pragmatic and down-to-earth, Ox people are motivated to work hard and have little respect for lazy or careless people. Although they can be easily trusted and do find it easy to put trust in others, they are not dependent on friends and family and would rather find an answer or a solution themselves than to ask these people for help or guidance. However, others can, without a doubt, rely on Oxen, who are always honest and meticulous about their responsibilities. While they do not feel the need for many distant or acquaintance-oriented friendships, they value the strong bonds they share with their partners and families, and make close friends that last a lifetime.
Though they are quite open-minded, once Ox people have made a decision about something, they rarely change it. This is a defining characteristic that can be seen as obstinacy, but it is actually the way an Ox learns to be strong, brave and straightforward. It is the way the Ox learned to take on tasks and responsibilities and how he learns to be reliable for others. Oxen are well-known as opposed to the unfamiliar. Yet, beneath their unpretentious, tranquil exterior lies a heart of gold and a motivation to prosper.
While the Oxen are very powerful in the zodiac, and a lot of extremely successful business leaders are Oxen, the Water element gives the Ox flexibility and liberty. Water Oxen are as hard-working as anyone, and particularly systematic, and are probably the quickest-thinking of the other elemental Oxen. They are much more prepared than the other Oxen to recognize the points of view of others and to consider their ideas and suggestions, making them easy to work with in a business environment. They generally consider the feelings of others which makes them good roommates or partners. In addition, their sincerity and patience ensures their popularity with friends, peers and family.
I have seen a lot of people advance very quickly through their careers. I chose a slightly slower course working my way through the entire life cycle of data and databases. Consistently my portions of any project are the most successful and surpass all expectations. I commit to do what is required & correct to get the job done both on time and on budget.
I make my thoughts and opinions known during projects fairly quickly. I have had some amazing mentors in the past that taught me the value of a quick and direct response. I have honed the skills to see the entirety of a project along with the ability to finely focus on a specific task and the quickly and efficiently transition through all the various levels. I have been a team lead of a senior data team allowing me to continue to hone the skills of having multiple opinions and contributors to be able to make a solid decision for the betterment of the project.
All in all I find the traits of the Water Oxen are extremely valuable in a business, especially now. Values seem to have drifted from these values. Some may say it is ‘old school’ thinking and it doesn’t apply anymore, but I feel it is what is needed to make a company successful.